Sunday, October 26, 2008

Economic conditions

At work we have been building our operating plans for next year, which is proving very difficult. the current economic climate makes it very difficult to forecast what is going to happen next year. a recession seems inevitable at this point. The two additional pressures that are out there are the credit card problem and rising unemployment. It is hard to imagine for a lot of folks, but as unemployment rises the level of credit card default will rise and the next financial crisis will unfold.

A lot of people are struggling and the problem will get much worse before it gets better. Where is the church in all of this? Where is the message of hope?

I think it is time for the church to take a hard look at how it is spending money and q begin to discuss how it can become the welfare state for the US. There was a time when church was far more involved in social programs that made a difference.

Does anyone really believe that a politician can solve this problem? I think less money spent on staff / buildings and more money spent on the welfare of people could create a huge opportunity for the church to life out the message rather than talk about it.

Come on, church leaders. Stimulate some creative thinking among your folks. don't just think outside of the box, live outside of the box. It is time for change, but not the type the country will be voting for. It is time to review and redirect church finances. Matthew 25 makes a compelling argument as does Acts 2:42ff.