Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Spent a fair bit of time recently thinking about what am I invested in? Not talking stocks, but rather reflecting on the parable of the talents. I have come to the conclusion that where I am investing my life will ultimately define who I am. Confronted with work 60+ hours per week and then thinking about work when I am not at work, I have come to the conclusion that work is defining who I am.

We invest to get a return. What kind of return am I getting on this type of investment? Sure the pay is nice (it pays the bills after all), but is the financial aspect of being a provider for my family the complete definition of provider. I don't think so. In terms of life balance I feel very challenged about my investment as a husband, father, friend, human being, boss, employee, etc.

What is being invested in each of those areas? Am I happy with the investment? Is it giving me the return I am looking for?


As an other Holiday seaon winds down, I wonder if the country has completely and utterly lost it's mind over the issue of being politically correct. God forbid that anyone would dare to use the word Christmas. Last week, I was composing an email to send out to those who work for me and I thought, is it 'appropriate' to use the word Christmas any more. Are we permitted to wish people 'every blessing at this Christmas time'?

It strikes me that in our efforts to keep everyone happy we are giving up a lot. For me, it is a Christmas Tree, Christmas Day, Christmas Cards, Christmas Gifts, etc. Everyone knows he wasn't born on December 25th, but this was the day that was set aside to acknowledge and remember His birth.

You never know, given what Christmas has become maybe He would support the action of His name being removed from the season.

Friday, December 26, 2008


We came out of November with unemployment at 6.7%. Some economists believe we will be at 8% by the end of January and over 11% by the summer. 

This is heartbreaking for anyone who experiences it. The line is usually that we are eliminating your job due to economic conditions and this action is not a reflection of your performance. Most people know that the economic realities are driving the loss of their job, but it is hard not to take it personally. One night you sit at the family dinner table as the bread winner, then the next night you are trying explain that you lost your job today. 

In this economy losing your job is something many will experience. Companies are fighting for survival, which means tough decisions need to be made in the interests of the majority who are still employed.

The church has an opportunity to step into the middle of this economic disaster. It has the opportunity to be a transformational community that reaches the downcast, the poor, those whose confidence is shot. 

The church can bring a true message of hope that restores confidence and faith, not simply a message of words, but action. Hope is not a message spoken by those of great oratory, but a transformational lifestyle that manifests something of the divine nature. A lifestyle that displays the majestic nature of a God who loves; extends grace; liberates and creates new opportunities when none seem to exist. 

Many families are looking for help, for hope, for opportunity. The church has an unique opportunity to reach a nation. 

Give Thatcher US Citizenship

Some thoughts as the year draws to a close:

+ Times are tough for a lot of folks and the retailers are now calling foul. They have joined the bailout line with hands outstretched. The bailouts really concern me. Why are we giving money to management teams that have provided poor leadership through bad decisions? Why give money to business leaders, who for years have pillaged their businesses?

+ I wish Thatcher was 20 years younger and a US Citizen. I think she would tell the government that the spending party is over. The waste needs to be eliminated. The lack of accountability within the government needs to be fixed.

+ Stop the bailouts. The big 3 will burn through the money fast and then will be back asking for more. Natural selection will take care of the problem. Companies that cannot manage themselves well should fail.

+ Get incentives out there to stimulate the economy, not through hand outs, but through rewarding job creation and those who start new businesses.

+ How about giving tax breaks to the people rather throwing money at failing businesses?

+ Time to get serious about real change and trust me, socialism is not the solution. Ask anyone who lived in the UK during the 70's.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Just grabbing a quick couple of minutes of space before the rest of the day unfolds. We have a 11 staying in the house this week. Al & Sarah, my sister, her husband & three kids, Graham and Joanne. The holiday season is definitely a time for family and catching up. it's great to have the whole crew here.

We started with breakfast at 10 am (this was a challenge for some of the older ones). We opened the presents. Definitely spent less this year as Fiona and I concluded that we simply did not need a whole lot. Struggling to even think of something I wanted never mind needed.

We are now in play mode as the food for the Christmas meal is organized. You know Fiona. 

This was just a quick note to say, have a great Christmas and take a moment in the midst of all of the commercial madness to remember the real reason for this season.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Colts Win Again

This is the ugliest run in football. After last week's big win, the Colts played the 0 and 13 Lions. This is a game that the Colts did ever in their power to lose. The interesting thing is no one in the NFL is playing that great. It is almost impossible to pick a Superbowl favorite with any degree of certainty. 

In these times, it is a privilege to be able to go to the games, even though the performance is not great to watch. Stadium was still packed, so there is still money out there.

Economy hits close to home

Seriously busy week this week which meant  I didn't make the time to update my blog. 

On Thursday, the company I work for announced that we would be cutting 2,000 jobs and closing three plants. Very concerning for the 1,500 employees I am responsible for. My phone rang off the hook on Thursday. So, the economic problems come a little closer to home this week. 

This coming week will be a tough week for everyone at work. Laying off people at any time is difficult, but the week before Christmas will be particularly difficult.

In  order to protect the jobs of the majority to preserve the company's ability to be viable it is inevitable that actions like these need to take place.

A lot of families across a lot of business are going face a similar fate this week. Tough times.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


The Colts won and won in style for a change. However, before declaring they are back completely, they were playing the hapless Bengals. Hey, six wins in a row. Maybe the Superbowl in not beyond the realms of possibility.

Hope is born

 Mary was confronted with an awful situation. Pregnant, but her husband knew the baby was not his. As he contemplated his options, in particular a quiet divorce, he had a revelation that even in the midst of a grave situation God is with us.

Immanuel, God is with us, not only came down 2,000 years ago, but He is still in the business of stepping into the middle of grave situations. He may not be the cause of the economic problems that are touching so many, but He is definitely the Hope that can lead us forward. 

In tough times, know this is true: God is with us.

The day God became man hope was born.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas is fast approaching

The stores near us are very quiet in comparison with prior years. I get the sense that folks are being real careful this year not to over spend. Cash is king this year. 

It is going to be a tough Christmas in many households across the country. The big surprise for many last month was losing their jobs. Over half a million Americans lost their jobs in November. I think the number this month and next will be even higher. Unemployment is now worse than it was in 1974.

I suspect people are thinking about bigger and deeper issues than simply how much do we spend on presents this year. Maybe the real reason for the season will penetrate the minds and hearts of many who are uncertain about their future and are looking for a more solid foundation on which to base their lives.

It is hard to run the table

In a very unexpected way, Ball State lost last night in the MAC conference final and with that loss their unbeaten run this season came to an end. It is amazing how difficult it is in sports to maintain an unbeaten run. This season we followed three teams to 10 and 0. Now all three have a loss.

Maybe perfection, in this life, is over rated.